
Showing posts from 2007

HD Convert

Not again!

Ah Sweet Wedded Bliss

What is that noise?

Thank God I Didn't Lose the Camera

Fugees in the House

Update on Red Pine Super Camp

Red Pine Super Camp

Zero to 60 in Three Seconds

I've Had the Time of My Life

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Restaurant

It's Zarf/Zoe!


Update on Networking

Last one from the PR--I promise (until the next one that I forgot about)

Final Thoughts on the PR

It's Mango Time!

A Little Learning From Mr. Ray

Under the Sea


Monster From the Ether


No, this is not a fraternity pin

31 is the new 21

Georgetown, I Hardly Knew Ye, Take 3

Georgetown, I Hardly Knew Ye, Take 2

Georgetown, I Hardly Knew Ye

The light at the end of the tunnel

Thank you for holding...

My Two Year Anniversary

AKA "Peggy" the Anglophile

Things That Go Bump In the Night

This is my Spring Break in DC??

Guacamole for all!

Sometimes I Know Best

Sensory Overload

This Little Piggy Cried "Wee wee wee"

Leavitt's Lark (TM pending)