
I learned two things today:
  1. My driver's license expired last week.
  2. One can fly without an ID.
I didn't mean to show up at the airport this morning without a valid ID, of course. But it had slipped my mind that the D.C. DMV never sent my renewed license in the mail, which I had signed up for two months ago. The odd thing was that the United Airlines agent, upon hearing my pathetic story, calmly issued me a new boarding pass (which read "NO ID") as if this sort of thing happens all the time. I suppose it does, but I sure felt dumb. And who knew that people can fly without IDs?

Of course, this meant I got extra attention going through security, including being subjected to the space-age puffer machine.

In any case, we have arrived safely on la Isla Culebra, where the streak of not getting carded for beer continued tonight at dinner...


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