Red Pine Super Camp

And how it became the best camp in the land..."
For four summers bridging my middle school and high school years growing up, I went to sleep-away camp. I learned how to water ski, sail, ride horses and be an archer. It was always the highlight of my summers.
Recently, I received news that Red Pine Camp has been sold to developers in northern Wisconsin looking to capitalize on the real estate market. After operating for 70 years, it looks like my camp is going to close. Just thinking about all the summers that both my sister and I spent learning how to be Red Pine Ladies and escaping the frenzied routine of being a tweener makes me nostalgic for a simpler time. It will be a great loss to have such a wonderful place close.
And all for the almighty dollar. Yuck.
Camp is once again in session and will continue hopefully for years. However, it was also stipulated that if the camp fails in the future the State will get the land for State Park use and it will never be developed.
Happy Ending...Check out their website.