Things That Go Bump In the Night

Over the past fourteen months I have gone from someone who didn't have a clue about what to listen for when taking someone's blood pressure, to practicing inserting IVs into David (who, to his credit, was very patient with me this evening). Here are some things that used to terrify me, but no longer do (or at least no longer make me break out in a cold sweat when I have to do one of them):
  • giving any kind of shot
  • giving IV push medication
  • putting anything into a central line
  • putting in a Foley catheter
Starting IVs still makes my heart race (Will I be able to find a vein? Will I blow the vein once in (thereby having to redo the whole thing)? Will my patient bleed all over?), but it is getting easier. If only I had more volunteers to practice on... Any takers?


dl004d said…
I would volunteer again, but I don't think I have any arm veins left.
Anonymous said…
My husband, Michael, was happy that when he had to help me with my homework it only meant editing a paper...not volunteering his arm to be poked by someone quite inexpereinced with the task.

I think that this gets David big points in the 'husband of the year' contest!
Anonymous said…
Getting my IV was the worst part of labor. I've completely desensitized to having blood drawn...but IVs...not so much. If you want practice with someone who is very uncooperative? (Ironically I am very good at giving fluids and shots to animals. Go figure.) I bet if you could get me, you could get any wiggly child who came your way. I also think Dave should get an award. Oh, our neighbor gets all her nutrition from her IV. She usually does it herself but would probably appreciate some help.
Grand Marnier said…
well, next time I am in Balmer, I will make sure to bring my supplies. :) Hee hee hee.

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